SGD Studio for Electronic Games Development

We can design 3D models, model, design, animate and model cartoon characters using Blender.
We professionally program electronic games using Unreal Engine 5, and design the UI using PHOTOPSHOP.

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Philosopher's Stone game

We are currently developing the Philosopher's Stone game, which is a 1-on-1 turn-based online game consisting of more than 16 diverse characters, robots, monsters, zombies, animals, vehicles, and humans of all ages, colors, and races. There is a famous Arab character, Juha and Hamara, who is made up of the Philosopher's Stone that was present. In ancient Egypt, it was discovered by an Arab alchemist. Each of these characters has a different story. They came together in one game.

These characters differ in terms of movement, attack power, health, special abilities, movement and attack range, and special ability range, and they also differ in battery consumption for movement, attack, and abilities. So you have to choose your team of characters depending on your playing strategy. You must protect your Philosopher's Stone and destroy the opposing team's Philosopher's Stone to win the game.

The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance discovered by an Arab alchemist from which the elixir of life that gives eternal life can be extracted. It is located in ancient Egypt, so the first map is in ancient Egypt and the map contains an Arabic character and Arabic music...
You have to protect it to survive and destroy the opponent team's Philosopher's Stone to win the game.

Pictures from the game

Great live examples of the game

Video review of the Philosopher's Stone game

Unreal Engine 5 programming
Character design, animation and modeling in Blender
UI Design using PhotoShop
The video explains how to play and shows a complete match between the two players
The video is still private, it's not time to publish yet
Developer: Fahd Al-Ghamdi


Pictures of previous projects and work

Great living examples of our work

Fahd Khader Al-Ghamdi

Games programmer
3D model and character designer
Modeling and animating characters
UI design using Photoshop